Topic: child fantasy

Why Imaginary Friends can be Helpful for Young Children

Dr. Tali Shenfield | June 27, 2022

Most parents know that imaginary friends aren’t usually a cause for concern. These figments of a child’s imagination are a normal part of development, generally occurring between the ages of 2-6. Your child’s imaginary friend may remain a part of his life for just a few months or several years, but he (or she) will fade away ...

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How to Help Your Child Stop Lying

Dr. Tali Shenfield | July 5, 2018

For parents, even the little white lies that children sometimes tell - e.g., claiming to have completed their homework when they haven't or to have not eaten a treat they clearly took without permission - can feel worrying and frustrating. Parents are, after all, entrusted with the intimidating responsibility of raising children with well-developed morals, so even minor hints ...

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How to React when Your Child is Lying?

Dr. Tali Shenfield | April 1, 2014

tory telling is an important part of normal development, and it is present across cultures and societies. Imagination and creativity that emerges during childhood allows for future advancements and discoveries throughout the lifespan. Replacing reality with our own version of life is an important coping skill but it can also serve to cause trouble. We all can enjoy the innocence ...

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On Giftedness and Creativity

Dr. Tali Shenfield | November 15, 2012

Many parents come to us to conduct giftedness assessments (IQ test) for their children. Statistically, only a small percentage of children undergoing gifted testing qualify for placement in gifted programs, yet many others show very good results that position them quite high in terms of creativity potential. We provide all parents with personalized recommendations on extracurricular and enrichment choices in ...

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